Monday, August 30, 2010

Jerry Uelsmann

Apocalypse II

Jerry Uelsmann uses darkroom techniques to create surreal images. No photoshop involved.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


     I divided my photobook into four main sections.  The first section contains my first experiences as a young child such as my first bike, my first Fox Day,and my first day of kindergarten.  I do not remember any of these events occurring.  I vaguely remember riding my first brand new Gargoyle bike with training wheels.  However, I am trusting what my mother has told me about these photos are true. The first day of kindergarten is such a big deal for parents and all I remember is that I was afraid I would forget my bus number. The kid staring expectantly at the lamb birthday cake is me.  This is actually my second birthday because we could not find a picture of my first. My mom is most likely saying "blow out the candles Alan".   I believe that first experiences can shape the rest of your life.  Even though I do not remember them I am sure that they have impacted me.
      The second section portrays those who are and have been special to me.  Those that I find special say something about myself.  They are all loving people who have played an important role in my life.  On the first page I am being held by both of my grandfathers.  For some reason I have always felt strongly attached to these photos.  I guess it is the combination of seeing what I looked like back then and seeing how happy the people holding me look. The picture of my sister, my grandmother(wearing the parka),and I sitting on the beach in December shows how wacky our family can be.  The picture of my mother wearing her cap and gown during my sister's commencement demonstrates the continued influence of educators in my life.  Both my mom and my dad are teachers.  The last pictures in this section are of my girlfriend and I when we were six and then currently.  It seems that we have become more serious and reflective as we have matured.  I hope that is not true.
       I devoted the third section to my sister.  My sister has been an important part of my life and these pictures are the proof.  We have shared many Fox Days together and seen snow for the first time together.
     The fourth section represents my connection with nature.  My mom was the first to introduce me to nature and convinced me to appreciate it.  I arranged these photos to reflect the interconnectedness of nature.  I combined the Wekiwa river with a stream in the Smokey Mountains and an old growth forest with a glacial lake.  When I see the picture of the pile of maple leaves in my front yard I can still remember the smell of the damp leaves.  My mother's botanist background has influenced my love of plants, especially flowers.  The last page is a reflection on how much I have physically changed over the years and yet I hold the same inner attitudes to be true.  I still have a sweet tooth (my cavities are proof), I try to be a star student, and I continue to wear clothes that do not fit.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My first Fox Day (note the large stomach)

Originally when I heard rumors about what this class was about, photographing the elderly and memory?, I was a little confused as to what we would actually be doing.  I also wondered what the community engagement aspect of the class would entail and what we would be doing for four hours.  After the first class I was intrigued by the aspects of psychology that were presented.  The combination of two very different fields was interesting because it is difficult to understand how the two will mesh.  I wasn't thinking of photography as a way to preserve memory.  I think the interactions with the Mayflower residents should be informative and I am looking forward to getting to know them.  If anything, I am nervous about being able to connect with someone that I have never met before and under these somewhat bizarre circumstances.  I am looking forward to learning more about how the brain works in relation to memory and images.  I am nervous about the group presentation because I am not the most outspoken person and have had difficulty in leading discussions in the past.