Monday, September 6, 2010

Reflections on First Mayflower Visit

The Guggenheim Museum, New York City

I met Emily Bond for the first time at the Mayflower.  We began by showing each other the photographs we brought.  She had brought a picture of her and her husband on their wedding day, two years ago, to show that even the elderly can still live an exciting life after retirement.   After we finished looking at the photos I brought (I thought she enjoyed the pictures of me with my grandparents the most) we began to talk about her past life in New York and England.  We both share an appreciation for the arts and we talked about the wonders of art museums accordingly.  From what I gathered, one of the main reasons she did not want to leave New York City was because of all the wonderful museums. 
        Emily had to leave early so she missed the joint discussion of the famous photographs.  I was surprised that one of the residents had been on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.  It was a rare insight which I appreciated.  I enjoyed the many responses the residents had during the discussion about the kiss on VE Day.  They did not care that the picture had been staged because it still represented the happiness that everyone felt on that day.  I am excited to come back to the Mayflower to get to know Emily better and start working with her to put together her photobook.

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